Corporate and branding strategy

Baghbaan Incorporated Australia has been conducting charity works in various areas of Pakistan since the Kashmir earthquake. Baghbaan was formed by the iron will and loving nature of a few individuals around the world who wanted to do their bit in improving the quality of life for those who needed help. Over these 5 years there has been a common occurance which always humbles the Baghbaan team, its the same words that come out of the mouth of those who Baghbaan is able to help from the donations and efforts of its supporters. The words…

“I prayed that Allah would send us some help, and he sent Baghbaan”

This phrase accompanied with what has always been the Baghbaan moto of “Care with love” is what gave inspiration to the new branding and strategy.

We at Baghbaan hope that through your continued support we are able to change the lives of those who need change.

Branding proudly done by Creative Design Labs